General Information ...

1. Where is this library located ?
Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library is located in Patna, the capital city of Bihar State.
2. What is the postal address of the Library ?
You can write to the Director, Khuda Bakhsh Library at this address -

The Director,
Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library,
Ashok Rajpath, Patna - 800 004 (Bihar), India.

The Director is also available on his phone no. (91)-612-2371507.

3. Is there any E-Mail Address for faster response ?
Send your e-mails to the library at : kboplibrary@gmail.com
4. What about trade discounts ?
Authorised distributors & booksellers are entitled for trade discount also.


Terms and Conditions


1. Postage, packing, freight, insurance and bank charges will be charged from the customers.
2. Books will be supplied on customer's risk.
3. Books once sold are neither returnable nor exchangeable.
4. All the prices quoted in the catalogue/price list and Performa Invoice are subject to change without notice.
5. Payment may be made by Cash, Money-Order, or Bank-Draft in favour of Director, Khuda Bakhsh O. P. Library and it should be payable at Patna.
6. Library's authorized agents/booksellers will be given credit facility of 90 days.
7. Price of books for other countries will be triple of the Indian price.


5. How can I become a Member of the Library ?
There are two kinds of membership available - Temporary and Regular. The temporary membership is usually made available for a short duration while the regular membership is valid for one year and needs to be renewed at the end of each year.
If you are interested, then here are the relevant application forms which you can download and print. Necessary details are available within these forms themselves. For your convenience, the forms are being made available in English as well as in Hindi.
 Library Membership Form - Hindi Version
 Library Membership Form - English Version
 Temporary Membership Form - Hindi Version
 Temporary Membership Form - English Version 
6. What are the guidelines regarding usage of original manuscripts for reading or research purposes ?
The usage of manuscripts of the Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library is subject to the user's written agreement to comply with certain rules and regulations. To find out more, download Manuscript Rules & Regulations. You will need to fill in the details and submit it to the Library in person or through post before any material belonging to the Library can be legally made use of elsewhere.